R.O.C 地圖 0.19
R.O.C 地圖 0.19 (需有北歐及東歐) 10/09 update ROC 地圖 0.19 (需有北歐及東歐) 及 patch 1.25 這次的中國地圖部份,請加入ROC地圖模組社群取得檔案 為了地圖的長遠發展,歡迎捐助並訂閱R.O.C模組地圖 贊助及訂閱 地圖 請洽我的email: flyfox0107@gmail.com R.O.C Map 0.19 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4OWAFsDZea7aTlSb1dBdm9Wb1U/view PRC Map in R.O.C map group, join my Facebook R.O.C map group to get PRC map file. 社群地址 group address https://www.facebook.com/groups/1617352465224779/ R.O.C (Republic Of China) Taiwan map & PRC map add-on R.O.C map need DLC Going East! + DLC Scandinavia PRC map need R.O.C map assets to run it in Europe. Credit list detail in mod description. R.O.C Map still in test, have any suggestion, you can post on my blog page. Terms of Use Currently the mod for the free use in the following conditions using models and maps. 1. Do not use in commercial, indicate the author. 2. My models and map use in other map that map must ...