
目前顯示的是 2015的文章

R.O.C (Republic Of China) Taiwan map alpha test 0.13 (patch 1.22.X) add-on

R.O.C (Republic Of China) Taiwan map alpha test 0.13 (patch 1.22.X) add-on This map need patch 1.22 + DLC Going East! + DLC Scandinavia 0.13 ~more routes and new models. Fixed some hole and object distance. R.O.C Map still in test, this map need password. have any suggestion, you can post on my blog page. If you don’t want to play test map, you can wait bigger R.O.C map . Terms of Use Currently the mod for the free use in the following conditions using models and maps. 1. Do not use in commercial, indicate the author. 2. My models and map use in other map that map must be free, recognized me as co-author of the map, I have the right of changes, mergers, issuing models and the map. 3. Use my works for the remake model, I also have the right of use and modify . Because statistics of where map user come form, please get password form blog page and do not forward password. the password information on my blog. password in here. 地圖密碼 roc1127 password roc1127 ...



R.O.C 地圖將暫時停止開發

R.O.C 地圖將暫時停止開發,在昨日,父親大人往生,應該有一段時間暫時不會再動地圖。 在我陪伴父親晚年時光的這段時間,歐卡R.O.C地圖是額外作出來東西,父親87有餘,大家族在廣東, 我也有在中國大陸的親友,我們能互相理解彼此的生長背景,我對2岸關係以友善態度對待,以後有時間 還是會計畫開發連接歐亞路線的中國及台灣地圖,陪伴父親的這段時間,我除了盡量盡孝道, 唯有一點小成就的地方就是把R.O.C地圖推向了世界舞台,在此以R.O.C 0.12版獻給我的父親。

ETS2 R.O.C(Republic of china) Map 0.12 alpha

ETS2 R.O.C(Republic of china) Map 0.12 alpha Republic Of China Alpha test 0.12 (patch 1.21.X) addon This map need patch 1.21 + DLC Going East! + DLC Scandinavia Terms of Use Currently the mod for the free use in the following conditions using models and maps. 1. Do not use in commercial, indicate the author. 2. My models and map use in other map that map must be free, recognized me as co-author of the map, I have the right of changes, mergers, issuing models and the map. 3. Use my works for the remake model, I also have the right of use and modify . Due to improve trucking cargo city to city, temporarily closing some cities that only for test route, you need travel to the other garage, living garage as where as below picture or travel to Europe. This version add 1 city,more routes and new models. Fixed some holes and object distance,improve some model textures. Because statistics of where map user come form, please get password form this page and do not f...

New pictures of R.O.C map


ETS2 R.O.C(Republic of china) Map 0.11 alpha

ETS2 R.O.C(Republic of china) Map 0.11 alpha Terms of Use Currently the mod for the free use in the following conditions using models and maps. 1. Do not use in commercial, indicate the author. 2. My models and map use in other map that map must be free, recognized me as co-author of the map, I have the right of changes, mergers, issuing models and the map. 3. Use my works for the remake model, I also have the right of use and modify . this version add 3 city and route. map link as below. http://sharemods.com/lcv1jfzot2z3/roc1111.rar.html 地圖密碼 roc1112 password roc1112 Please Do not re-upload this map  

How to report ETS2 map bug in game playing

1.when you drive where you find a bug, press key f11 2.write down the bug description simply. 3.the information will save in C:\Users\(username)\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bug.txt then send the bug.txt to me form email. thanks

ETS2 R.O.C(Republic of china) Map 0.10 alpha

ETS2 R.O.C(Republic of china) Map 0.10 alpha Terms of Use Currently the mod for the free use in the following conditions using models and maps. 1. Do not use in commercial, indicate the author. 2. My models and map use in other map that map must be free, recognized me as co-author of the map, I have the right of changes, mergers, issuing models and the map. 3. Use my works for the remake model, I also have the right of use and modify . After few days ,I decide no need send mail for password anymore. password roc1010 Please Do not re-upload this map   map link as below. http://sharemods.com/n5n6aely9mf6/ROC010.rar.html


覺得這篇文章很實用,分三次中文化轉載。 12 Surprising Uses for Vodka Keep a bottle of this bar staple on hand for a natural cleaning and disinfection solution. By Chelsea Stone 伏特加酒的 12 個妙用 (1/3) 轉自 喬西史東 ( 讀者文摘英文網站 ) Clean windows and fixtures Time to ditch the chemicals! Banish soap scum and water spots by wiping down fixtures with a cloth soaked in vodka for extra sparkle, and spray the stuff on windows for a streak-free shine. 深究化學的時候到了 ! 將布料吸附伏特加至起泡後能去除家中設備上的肥皂泡跡及水漬 , 使用在窗戶上則能有光亮無痕的效果。 Deodorize your feet Soak those smelly puppies in this natural deodorizer for an extra deep clean. You can even spray diluted vodka directly into shoes for an easy, natural refresher. 布玩偶吸附伏特加能有天然深層的清潔效果,將稀釋的伏特加使用在鞋子裏能沖淡鞋子的氣味。 Remove sticker goo Peeling off a price tag often leaves an unwanted residue behind. Scrub the gunk with some vodka, then rinse for a smooth surface. 去除貼紙常會留下殘膠,去除粘性殘膠時加一些伏特加,之後沖洗以恢復表面平順。 Kill weeds Looking for a pesticide-free way to treat weeds? Mix...


我的部落格春聯 通常是為了新的一年貼在家前的春聯,我想我的部落格也來個過年前的春聯。 看了朋友辛哥借我的讀者文摘2014年2月號112頁『好春好語對門來』的內容啟發, 我為我的部落格撰了一幅春聯,也當成我部落格的寶號。 千江有水千江月,萬竅風吹萬不同。 借古鑑今。 去年開始喜歡老莊,目前正在看看有趣的易經相關書籍,最近對中國的經典著作又有了新的看法了,能夠身在能接觸中國傳統文化的地方真好。