
12 Surprising Uses for Vodka
Keep a bottle of this bar staple on hand for a natural cleaning and disinfection solution.
By Chelsea Stone

轉自 喬西史東(讀者文摘英文網站)

Clean windows and fixtures

Time to ditch the chemicals! Banish soap scum and water spots by wiping down fixtures with a cloth soaked in vodka for extra sparkle, and spray the stuff on windows for a streak-free shine.

深究化學的時候到了! 將布料吸附伏特加至起泡後能去除家中設備上的肥皂泡跡及水漬, 使用在窗戶上則能有光亮無痕的效果。

Deodorize your feet

Soak those smelly puppies in this natural deodorizer for an extra deep clean. You can even spray diluted vodka directly into shoes for an easy, natural refresher.


Remove sticker goo

Peeling off a price tag often leaves an unwanted residue behind. Scrub the gunk with some vodka, then rinse for a smooth surface.


Kill weeds

Looking for a pesticide-free way to treat weeds? Mix vodka with water and a few drops of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle, and spritz directly onto your target.

需要免藥害的除草方法嗎 ? 伏特加++幾滴洗碗精,放在噴灑容器中就成了天然除草劑。



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